What does expanded learning look like?
An essential component of ELO for older students is its ability to restructure the learning environment to cater to more complex schedules and provide nontraditional learning experiences. Activities such as community service, internships, leadership exercises, civic engagement activities, college preparation work, and mentoring opportunities provide enrichment that cross a variety of domains and often ground academic learning in students’ lives. it is extremely important that ELOs provide youth the options that meet their needs and interests simultaneously.
The AfterZone has been a success in many regards, but one of the most notable is development of a successful city-wide afterschool program when none had previously existed. Through centralized schedules, grant application systems, and data collection the afterzone has managed to work with community based organizations in the area that involves the entire community. among many successes, the program dramatically increased student participation, developed and implemented quality standards, and provided professional development to educators.
The Mission of the League of United Latin American Citizens is to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States.