AfterZone: Outcomes for Youth Participating in Providence’s Citywide After-School System
This report presents findings from a three-year quasi-experimental evaluation of the AfterZone—a citywide system-building effort in Providence, RI, that aims to provide high-quality, accessible out-of-school-time services to middle school youth. The AfterZone model is unique in that it is built on a network of “neighborhood campuses” anchored by one or two middle schools; this structure provides youth the opportunity to participate in sports, arts and skills-enhancing programs in both community- and school-based settings. The report summarizes the patterns of youth participation in the AfterZone during the two-year period (in terms of amount, breadth and engagement); examines the benefits youth experience from participating after one and two school years; and presents implications for funders, policymakers and program leaders interested in implementing their own citywide out-of-school-time system.
To read the accompanying executive summary, click here. To read P/PV’s 2010 study focused on the implementation of the AfterZone model, click here.
A final publication, which focuses on how youth participated in AfterZone programs and the relationship of various patterns of participation to youth outcomes, can be accessed here.
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