Okaaaay, I haven’t wrote a paragraph in a while, don’t hate me! In the past few weeks, a lot of things have happened—all good though!
It’s week four as an intern! I still can’t believe I’ve survived it! I’ve literally survived my boss, Jon’s, dance moves! They’re horrible, but they’re hilarious, and they get me through the day, lol.
I’m kind of depressed though. In a couple of weeks, interning will be over, and then the following weeks after, I’ll be leaving Nathan Bishop Middle School forever… I still can’t believe it. It’s crazy right?
2 more weeks until interning’s over, and then I’ll just be a student in school, waiting ‘til it’s all over. I’ll miss signing up for Afterzone, the one place I truly believe I do belong.
I’ve spent the past 3 years here, and leaving sounds…weird. I still remember signing up for the fall session in September, when I was in 6th grade. Now, I’m going to be freshmen?! It’s just too crazy. I still haven’t processed it.
I’ll miss walking into the cafeteria on the first day of Afterzone, and smiling, muttering ‘Ah, I’m finally here!’ I’ll definitely come by and visit, and if Jon decided he’d like me to work here, I would say yes immediately! But, if not, then I’ll come by and visit whenever I can.
Well yeah, that’s it for now!
Keily Pozo, 8th grade Nathan Bishop MS AZ Intern