PASA is currently seeking interested Community-based program providers to provide STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programming as part of collaborative summer educator teams, defined by a partnership of informal and formal educators.
These educator teams will lead cohorts of 28 middle school youth through their four-week AfterZone Summer Scholars Camp experience, serving a total of 550 youth. The goal of the AfterZone Summer Scholars is to provide hands-on learning experiences that are guided by youth, grounded in real world experiences, and supported by high quality instructional practice.
*Note on staff training hours: Organizations that are funded for multiple programs with one distinct instructor will receive funding for one set of pre-program training hours. PASA will provide two grant payments to the grantee for the agreed upon budget amount.
Funding for AfterZone Summer Scholars Camp comes from a combination of private and federal sources and therefore is subject to the reporting and audit requirements set forth by OMB Circular A-133. All staff members working in Providence Public Schools are now required to obtain an FBI background check. These FBI background checks can be acquired free-of charge at the Providence City and Rhode Island State Police Departments with an appointment.