
PASA leads the nation with its after-school and summer camp models.

We are proud members of and partners with the following organizations:


@AfterZoneEvery Hour Counts: PASA is one of seven founders of this national consortium of cities and regions that are designing quality systems across the country, testing new initiatives, and providing guidance and recommendations for other communities wanting to build out-of-school learning systems.




@STEMEcosystemsSTEM Ecosystems: PASA’s focused work on advancing STEM learning after school and during the summer, and its close partnership with the Providence Public School Department to design and co-lead an intensive STEM summer program for middle school youth, earned PASA an invitation to become a member of the national STEM Ecosystem initiative.  PASA has teamed up with the Rhode Island STEAM Center to share ideas for better connecting the informal STEM education community with science and math educators in schools and to make intentional program connections to STEM career pathways.




Providence Children & Youth Cabinet: A coalition of more than 150 organizations and community members have come together to plan and work together to ensure all Providence children thrive– from cradle to career.  PASA has been a member and participant since 2008.








@Afterschool Leadership CircleThe Afterschool Leadership Circle:  The Afterschool Leadership Circle (ALC) is a statewide network of Rhode Islanders who support quality after-school and summer learning opportunities for young people.  ALC is one of 50 Statewide Afterschool Networks, supported by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.  ALC develops partnerships, informs policies, and shapes practices that sustain and increase the number of quality programs across Rhode Island.  PASA was one of the founding members of the ALC and developed quality standards that ALC has adopted for recommended use by all of its members.  PASA assists in providing professional development and policy guidance to the Council.



The Rhode Island STEAM Now Coalition:  PASA has been an active participant in this statewide coalition to advance STEM learning in schools, to build connections between the informal and formal STEM educators, and to help schools and after-school programs guide youth towards STEM career pathways, courses and college departments.  Located at Rhode Island College, the coalition has been a strong advocate for building courses that connect with industry and higher education needs and jobs.