Monday, October 28, 2013
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET
Have you ever sat down with your schools’ superintendent or local funder and struggled to describe exactly what an “after-school system” is? We have, too. Luckily, the Collaborative for Building After-School Systems has been working with a consultant over the past 9 months to develop clear, effective messaging that defines and explains the value of expanded-learning systems and intermediaries.
Drawing from the expertise of our national coalition partners and over a dozen stakeholders from the field, we developed a messaging guide to help systems and intermediaries better make the case for their work to diverse audiences.
Join CBASS for a webinar to hear what we discovered through the process, and learn how you can use these messages. You’ll also hear directly from an intermediary and policy advocate on their perspectives.
Susan Brenna, Chief Communications Officer, ExpandED Schools by TASC
Jessica Donner, Director, Collaborative for Building After-School Systems
Kara Marchione, Vice President, Penn Hill Group
Andrea Sussman, Vice President, KSA Plus Communications