Spend time with friends.
Have fun while learning.
Eat a hot supper.
Get a ride home.
At PASA, we make sure we offer you a fun and safe place to go after school and during the summer. We also let YOU choose what programs to sign up for. Want to play sports? We’ve got wrestling, flag football, basketball, and more. Like designing things? With PASA, you can design a video game, a park bench, or your own fashion line. Interested in theater? Participate in a play! Whatever you choose, our goal is to help you discover your interests and deepen learning in the areas that matter to you most.
Click here to learn what it’s like to be in the AfterZone or Hub for a day!
You can sign up for the AfterZone or Hub multiple ways:
- Fill out and return a brochure in your school’s main office.
- Look for your site coordinator at lunch to ask them about how you can get involved!
- Contact your AfterZone or Hub site coordinator.
- DelSesto Middle School: Brandon Soum
- Esek Hopkins Middle School: Brittany Ortiz
- Nathan Bishop Middle School:
- West Broadway Middle School: Tamera Garlington
- Roger Williams Middle School: Emily Fulginiti
- Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex: Ciara Parks
- Hope High School: Johnny Rivera
- Advanced Course Network: Hanna Exel